The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Rain Day fell on Earth Day in Washington area

Small tornado is reported in Montgomery County.

1 min

Fierce storms that included a small tornado lashed the Washington region Saturday, bringing rain and winds, as thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, and trees and branches fell. No injuries were immediately reported.

The tornado, rated EF-0, the weakest level, touched down for a minute over about 100 yards near Poolesville in Montgomery County, Md., according to the National Weather Service. Winds, estimated at 75 mph, snapped several trees, including a pine three feet in diameter, the Weather Service said.

In a couple of stormy afternoon hours more than 0.60 inches of rain fell in Washington, the most in the city since the 0.72 inches on March 24.

Unlike last Saturday, the rain seemed widespread, with its dousing and drenching, its glistening sidewalks and highway ponds reported in both city and suburb.
